LEA Race to the Top Allocations Announced

September 22nd, 2010

Category: News

The Delaware Department of Education announced funding awards for school districts and charter schools throughout the state for the first year of Race to the Top implementation.  A couple data points of interest include:

  • The average per pupil funding that school districts/schools will receive via Race to the Top is $118 while the median is $106, demonstrating a somewhat greater concentration of funds in a few districts/schools. 
  • Providence Creek and Thomas Edison Charter Schools will receive the most funding per pupil at $315 and $305, respectively.
  • The Charter School of Wilmington and Sussex Academy will receive the least funding per pupil at $0 and $5, respectively.
  • Charter schools will receive, on average, $115/student while school districts will receive $127/student.
  • Funding from Race to the Top will increase per pupil spending by 1.21% in charter schools and 1.13% in school districts.* 

Looking ahead, school districts and charter schools are currently engaging in the planning process for years 2 through 4.  The DOE is requiring school districts resubmit scopes of work that are “innovative” in order to meet the bold goals outlined in the First State’s winning Race to the Top application. 

*Note(s): Delaware charter schools spend, on average, $9,496 per pupil while school districts spend $11,228 per pupil.  In addition, allocation of funds is tied to Title I funding, which is distributed to schools based upon percentage of students enrolled in the free and/or reduced lunch program, a common indicator of poverty. 

Brett Turner
