March 11, 2014

March 11th, 2014

Category: News

Local News

Gov. Markell joins new effort to promote Common Core Standards
Markell notes one myth in particular the partnership hopes to dispel is that Common Core is a federal “one-size fits-all” plan. Markell and Douglas emphasized creation of the standards was state-driven with input from state education officials and education experts. Markell says the standards do not dictate what’s taught in schools.

The News Journal
Markell jumps into national fray over Common Core
Gov. Jack Markell is joining a national effort to defend the Common Core State Standards against what he calls “mythology” and “misinformation,” arguing Delaware shows the standards are working. “Some people have politicized the push for higher standards, and it’s endangering our childrens’ future,” Markell said. “We have to invest the time and effort into communicating the value of these standards. It’s not about politics, it’s about raising the bar for our children.”

Delaware launches partnership to support Common Core
Along with former Vermont Governor Jim Douglas, a Republican and representative for the Bipartisan Policy Center Governor’s Council, and Cheryl Oldham, executive vice president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Markell launched an effort to challenge some of the claims against CCSS. He made the announcement on Monday after sitting in on a first grade reading class and fifth grade math class at Lancashire Elementary School in Wilmington. Considered early adopters of the standards, Lancashire started implementing Common Core in 2011.

Sussex Countian
Sussex Tech looks to cut 24 positions next year
If the Sussex Technical School District does not get permission soon from the General Assembly to explore the possibility of a tax increase, 24 district employees will be out of work next year. The district is currently short about $1 million to cover fiscal year 2015’s personnel costs. Of the positions on the short list are 11 teachers, three teaching assistants, a counselor and three administrators, among others.

National News

Education Week
Common Core field tests gain foothold in states
The Education Department has approved more than a dozen “double testing” No Child Left Behind waivers that allow states to use their current tests while they transition to assessments aligned to the Common Core standards. But only Idaho and Montana have approval to give the Common Cores field test in all of their schools, while Connecticut, Maryland and South Dakota can do so in almost all their schools.

States eye plans to lower cost barriers to college
Several states have proposed a new stream of plans to increase college affordability and expand access for their students. Governors and legislatures are proposing programs that offer two years of free community college to recent high school graduates, low-cost degree programs, tuition freezes and “pay it forward” models, whereby students don’t pay tuition until after they graduate.

Tampa Bay Times
Florida Senate panel takes steps to simplify school grading formula
The Florida Senate education committee approved S.B. 1642, which would simplify the A-F school grading formula. It eliminates the bonus points schools can earn, as well as the triggers that automatically cause a school grade to drop. It also removes several high school evaluation factors, including five-year graduation rates and some college readiness measures. There would be no consequences for poor performance in the first year of the transition to the new formula.

Monroe News-Star
Teacher guides to new standards now available
Louisiana Superintendent John White unveiled a guide that will give teachers and districts access to state-accepted curricula for meeting the Common Core standards and help plan classes. White said the guidelines are getting into the lesson level and pointing out materials that can be used to teach specific skills that often are not in textbooks. But he said the state is not dictating that the material be used.

The Atlantic
States that spend the least on students are growing the fastest
New federal government projections forecast that the nation’s number of preK-12 students will grow by 7 percent between 2011 and 2022. Leading the charge are Western and Southern states, which also are among those that spend the least per student. Hispanic enrollment will surge by a third while the white student population will decrease by 5 percent. Black enrollment is expected to increase by 5 percent, while Asian/Pacific Islanders are slated to grow by 20 percent.

Rodel Foundation of Delaware



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