Delaware Teachers Institute Fellowship (Due Mar. 3) Each year, the Delaware Teacher Institute (DTI) offers a limited number of fellowships for teachers to participate in content area seminars, and to learn the Teachers Institute approach to professional development. Participating school districts include: Appoquinimink, Christina, Colonial, New Castle County Vo-Tech, and Red Clay Consolidated School District.
Joint Science and Technology Institute for Students and Teachers (Due Mar. 4) The Joint Science and Technology Institute (JSTI) is an all-expense paid, one to two week residential STEM program for current high school STEM teachers and students. Participants will gain world-class laboratory research experience and mentorship by Department of Defense research scientists.
Educators as Catalyst State Policy Fellowship (Due Apr. 4) Delaware’s Department of Education is hosting a summer program for exceptional Delaware teachers and specialists who have a passion for education and want to gain hands-on exposure to policy work. Participants will receive a $2,000 stipend.
Apply for Grants Supporting Teacher and Student Learning
Teacher Development Grants (Due Jan. 15 – Apr. 15) The McCarthey Dressman Education Foundation Teacher Development Grants support small teams of teachers in the formation and implementation of groundbreaking K-12 classroom instruction. The grants provide opportunities for teachers to integrate fresh strategies that encourage critical inquiry and to observe their effects on students. The foundation awards grants to individuals in amounts of up to $10,000 per year for a maximum of $30,000 over three years.
Student Academic Enrichment Grants (Due Jan. 15 – Apr. 15) The McCarthey Dressman Education Foundation offers Academic Enrichment Grants designed to develop in-class and extracurricular programs that improve student learning. Grants provide funding for programs that nurture the intellectual, artistic, and creative abilities of children from low-income households. The foundation awards grants to individuals in amounts of $10,000 per year for a maximum of $30,000 over three years.
Toshiba America Foundation Grants (Due Aug. 1, Oct. 1, Feb. 1) Toshiba America Foundation (TAF) grants fund the projects, ideas, and materials teachers need to innovate in their math and science classrooms. TAF is interested in funding projects designed by teachers or small teams of teachers for use in their own schools. The foundation awards $1,000 grants for grades K-5, and awards up to $5,000 for grades 6-12.
Donors Choose (Ongoing) Post a project (i.e. books, technology, fieldtrips, etc.) on DonorsChoose, promote your project to reach your funding goal, and receive the goods you requested at your school.
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Personalized Learning Tip of the Month