September 13, 2016

September 13th, 2016

Category: News

Delaware News

Cape Gazette
H.O.B. students rock the first day of school
The guitar-playing principal started the year off with a hello here and a hola there, then followed up by visiting every classroom with a patriotic tune. Students were on time and ready to start the first day.

Department of Education
Community conversations to help shape Delaware’s ESSA plan
The Delaware Department of Education will host four community conversations this month to collect public input that will inform the first draft of the state’s plan under the new federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). A second round of conversations is planned for later in the fall to receive feedback on the draft plan.

Newark Post
Downes Elementary wins grant to improve bike, pedestrian routes to school
Students who walk and bike to Downes Elementary School will see better signage, crosswalks and bicycle lanes in the next few years, thanks to a grant the school recently received from the Delaware Department of Transportation. The money was awarded as part of the federal Safe Routes to School program (SRTS), which aims to improve the health and well-being of children by enabling and encouraging them to walk and bicycle to school.

Sussex County Post
Showell Elementary mural project features parent, community invite
Phillip C. Showell Elementary School in Selbyville will conduct a schoolwide mural painting project in partnership with local artist John Donato during the week of September 19-23. All Phillip C. Showell students and staff will join Mr. Donato in painting a large landscape mural in the school’s main hallway.

The News Journal
Four chances to shape Delaware’s new education policy
States across the country are getting ready to draft their plans to meet the new federal education law, the Every Student Succeeds Act, and Delaware is asking the public to weigh in on its strategy. Four public forums are scheduled to be held later this month so that parents and community members can contribute their thoughts to the state’s plan before the first draft is written later this fall.

National News

Education Week
Student-centered learning can modernize schools
Opinion by Nicholas C. Donohue, president and ceo of the Nellie Mae Education Foundation
Public education abounds with excitement as schools, districts, and communities work together to rethink the ways in which teaching and learning can better suit the needs and abilities of today’s youths. They do so for good reason.

Idaho Ed News
Educators offer suggestions on school accountability
A small group of educators and parents offered several proposals Thursday night for moving beyond standardized test scores to measure school quality. The group of 12 people attended a State Board of Education public forum devoted to a new system of school accountability that is under development in Idaho. Idaho has been without a school accountability system since repealing the five star rating system in 2014.
Salaries for N.J.’s teachers, school administrators on rise
After dropping briefly, the average salaries for New Jersey’s public school teachers and administrators are again rising. In the last school year, the average salary for teachers, librarians, guidance counselors, and other non-administrative staff reached $69,416, an NJ Spotlight analysis of salary data for more than 140,000 professional school employees found.

Getting restless at the head of the class
They read a book quietly under their desks, pester the teacher for extra credit, or, perhaps, they simply check out and act up. Every classroom has a few overachievers who perform above their grade level and don’t feel challenged by the status quo. A new report suggests they are surprisingly common — in some cases, nearly half of all students in a given grade.

Rodel Foundation of Delaware



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