September 18, 2017

September 18th, 2017

Category: News

Delaware News

Cape Gazette
Rehoboth elementary plans move forward
The Rehoboth Beach Board of Adjustment unanimously granted a variance to the Cape Henlopen School District that allows the district to build a new school that exceeds lot coverage limits The variance allows the school to cover 33 percent of the lot, which will accommodate all sidewalks, roadways and athletic facilities on the 24-acre site. This variance is an extension of a previous one already approved allowing the school to exceed a 5 percent lot coverage limit in the school’s ER zoning district.

Delaware 105.9
Greenwood student creates global movement to kill cyber bullying with kindness
A Greenwood student has created a global movement of inspiration and motivation with one goal, killing cyber bullying with kindness. In November 2013, 20-year-old Chase Marvil, of Greenwood, created ‘The Inspiring Project,’ an outreach campaign to eliminate bullying and suicidal thoughts in people through social media. Since it’s inception, the project has inspired thousands of people across the world and Marvil has received countless awards for the motivated messages it sends.

Sussex County Post
Minimal student impact the goal as IRSD addresses bus driver shortage
Some families in the Indian River School District may experience minimal changes in drop-off and pick-up times as the district grapples with a bus driver shortage. “The shortage of bus drivers has reached a critical stage and the district has no other alternative than to increase the number of double routes for our existing drivers,” IRSD Superintendent Mark Steele said.

The News Journal
7-year-old inspires Georgetown school to build fully accessible playground
Seven-year-old Adriana Jennings didn’t start walking on her own — aided by little more than leg braces — until just this year. But on a recent Thursday, just two days after school started, the second-grader was out on the playground at Georgetown Elementary School, hoisting herself into a small tunnel and pulling herself through it using two conveniently located handrails near the top. The newly erected jungle gym is specially designed for children with disabilities, administrators said. Its construction was inspired by Adriana.

National News

Education Week
Betsy DeVos waiting for ‘right time,’ circumstances for a choice initiative
U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, who has spent decades advocating for private school vouchers and charter schools, came to Washington  with one item at the top of her agenda: to push for a new federal school choice initiative. Her vision is running into trouble on Capitol Hill, where lawmakers in both chambers have failed to fund either of the school choice proposals in the president’s budget.

New York Post
‘Worthless diplomas’ cost NY kids $63 million a year
City high-school grads pay at least $63 million a year for remedial classes, thanks to a school system that hands them worthless diplomas. That’s the bottom line of a new StudentsFirstNY report on the “remediation tax” paid by young men and women who move from city schools to CUNY, only to find they’re not ready to do college-level work. They have to waste their first semester, or even their first full year or longer, learning the skills and knowledge they didn’t get from the city Department of Education, even though it graduated them.

Tennessee posts highest high school graduation rate on record for the state
Tennessee posted its highest-ever graduation rate on record in the 2016-17 school year after years of steady improvement. The state saw 89.1 percent of all high school students graduate from its districts, Gov. Bill Haslam and Tennessee Education Commissioner Candice McQueen announced on Thursday. Overall, the graduation rate has increased 3.6 percentage points since the 2010-11 school year, according to a news release.

The Atlantic
The controversy behind Chicago’s diploma mandate
When students start school in the United States, they tend to proceed along one of two paths. For many, college is the assumed destination from their earliest days in the classroom, reinforced progressively at every step of their education. The only mystery is what higher-education institution they’ll attend. But for a vast set of students, there is no assumed destination except adulthood—school will be a fact of life until it simply isn’t any longer, and at that point, they’ll have to figure out what comes next.

The Hechinger Report
Seven traits of Massachusetts’ most effective classrooms
Opinion by Edward Moscovitch, executive director and co-founder of the Bay State Reading Institute
As the new school year approaches, I have been thinking about some of the high-performance, high-expectations schools in which I’ve been privileged to work. What is particularly striking is that these schools, public elementary and middle schools across Massachusetts, are truly joyful places; you can see it in the enthusiasm of the students and the smiles of their teachers! It’s very hard work, teachers say, but it’s worth it; they are seeing their students perform at previously unimagined levels. These outstanding schools share seven key elements.

Rodel Foundation of Delaware



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