Students Needed! – Conversation this Saturday

September 23rd, 2014

Category: News

Our youngest learners are getting a stronger start through an expansion of higher-quality early learning programs. The drop-out rate is at a 30-year low. Every student who is ready for college, is applying to college, and 98% are enrolling. More high school students are taking–and passing–Advanced Placement courses than ever before.

Delaware has many reasons to be proud of recent education achievements in the state. These efforts have resulted in real, dramatic life trajectory changes for many Delaware students (to learn about one of these stories, read this The New York Times article). However, we know that this is not a reality for too many students in our state. Achievement gaps have been persistent. Too many students don’t have the educational opportunities that they deserve.

The Vision Coalition* recognizes these accomplishments and challenges, and is developing A Vision for Education in Delaware in 2025 (ED25 for short), a plan to better prepare Delaware students for a lifetime of success.

This Saturday, the Coalition is hosting a conversation specifically for current 7th through 12th grade students and recent high school graduates to share their educational experiences and aspirations for themselves and their communities to the Coalition leadership. The conversation will be at the Wilmington Public Library from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm, and lunch will be provided. The feedback shared at this conversation will be used to develop the final plan, which will be released in early 2015.

The conversation will be facilitated by:

  • Chandlee Kuhn, Chief Judge, Family Court of Delaware, and Vision Coalition Steering Committee member
  • Raye Jones Avery, Executive Director of the Christina Cultural Arts Center, and Vision Coalition Leadership Team member
  • Melissa Tracy, social studies educator, Conrad Schools of Science

We all agree how important students’ perspectives, ideas, and opinions are to the development of this plan. Please take 5 minutes and help spread word about this event to students, parents, and teachers who can encourage students to attend. RSVPs are requested to

*Paul Herdman, Rodel Foundation’s President and CEO, serves on the Vision Coalition’s Leadership Team. Due to his role, I provide staff support to the Vision Coalition, coordinating and promoting these types of meetings.

Brittany Mason