Tag: international competitiveness

State of the State: Governor Markell Remains Dedicated to Education

Early Childhood Education, News

January 24th, 2012

On January 19th, Governor Markell gave his annual State of the State address to the General Assembly.   This speech provides an opportunity to gauge the priorities of the executive branch, and this year Governor Markell did not disappoint.   He noted a continued commitment to supporting business and bringing jobs to Delaware, attracting and...


Singapore: A North Star in the Great Teacher Debate

News, Policy and Practice

December 19th, 2011

As Delaware policymakers and teachers struggle with the complexities of introducing student growth measures into the state's revised teacher evaluation system, DPAS II, I hope we don't lose sight of the larger goal.  As a state, we are on a journey to create a great teaching profession so that every child in Delaware has an inspired teacher in...


Delaware Students Lag Nationally, Internationally; Potential Remains


September 15th, 2011

Fewer than one-third of Delaware high school graduates meet international standards reading and mathematics, placing Delaware below the US average, below neighboring states, and in line with countries including Latvia, Hungary, Poland, and Estonia. However, we compete with the top 10 countries in reading, so are positioned to be competitive in the...


Graduation Requirements Increase, But Do Not Reach National Standards


May 13th, 2011

The Secretary of Education recently proposed regulatory changes, subject to approval at the May 19 State Board of Education meeting, that would increase the coursework requirements for Delaware high school graduation – which is something Delaware has debated-- and postponed--implementing for years. The more rigorous graduation requirements...