Tag: mentoring

Announcing iEducate Delaware


March 19th, 2012

This blog post was written by Sara Brosious, winner of our "Name the Campaign," an initiative to seek public input to name our recognition campaign. Hi, I’m Sara: mom, teacher, wife, and creator of the name of Rodel Foundation of Delaware’s recognition program iEducate Delaware™.  Teaching and learning have always been a core element...


Is the Community Engaged in your District?


August 1st, 2011

Did your district partner with local community organizations in their recent RTTT plan? To garner state approval and receive funding, districts were expected to engage families and communities effectively in supporting students’ academic success; an area some would say has been weak. Cape Henlopen School District has devoted $30,000 ($15,000 to...


The State of Student Teaching: Programs and Accountability Limited

News, Policy and Practice

July 27th, 2011

A controversial report released by the National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) last week describes the state of student teaching programs nationwide as strained, inconsistent, and ineffective.  The report, which evaluated student teaching program on five standards covering program structure and mentor credentials, has been hailed by many...