Teachers Make Their Voice Heard

July 11th, 2012

Category: Policy and Practice

Education Sector’s recently released report Trending Toward Reform: Teachers Speak on Unions and the Future of the Profession highlights the changing opinions of those working in the trenches in classrooms.

The study, which is a result of focus groups and questionnaires, highlights that educators are beginning to assume the view that unions should take a more proactive role in addressing issues outside their bread and butter of wages, job security, and working conditions, such as leading teacher quality or school turnaround efforts.  

In addition to a greater desire for a more proactive role in driving the conversation, educators are starting to warm up to current reform efforts, including teacher evaluation, differentiated pay to reward those working in our highest-need schools and determining which teachers are granted tenure.

Looking ahead, I am anxious to see what Delaware educators have to say in our upcoming working conditions survey to be administered this fall.

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Brett Turner




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