
Showing 37-39 of 2227 Results


Parent Advocacy Leads to New, More Accessible Online Kindergarten Registration System

Blog, Early Childhood Education, News

November 2nd, 2022

It was no secret that Delaware’s old kindergarten registration process was inaccessible to many families, but the new online kindergarten registration system aims to change that. Gov. John Carney, First Lady Tracey Quillen Carney, the Delaware Department of Education, and the Delaware Readiness Teams, in early October launched the new...


Why Delaware Should Continue to Lean in on Family Supports

Early Childhood Education

November 2nd, 2022

As three prominent state leaders wrote this week: “If we are going to build the workforce of tomorrow, we must pass policies that better support workers and their families today.” Sens. Kyle Evans Gay and Sarah McBride and Lieutenant Governor Bethany Hall-Long were among the lawmakers who helped champion recent policies like paid...


We Knew State and National Test Scores Would Drop. Now Let’s Get to Work.


October 26th, 2022

Scores from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), a countrywide assessment for K-12 students known to insiders as the “nation’s report card,” were released earlier this week. And as observers like Future Ed have pointed out, the results paint a stark picture of the educational fallout from COVID-19. The...