
Showing 43-45 of 2221 Results


Delaware Advances “Grow Your Own Teacher” Efforts as Teacher Shortage Drags On

Educator Support and Development

June 3rd, 2022

Teacher shortages in Delaware are nothing new. For years, public schools have struggled to attract harder-to-find science, math, and foreign language teachers, and recently those shortages have even reached traditionally sought-after areas like elementary education and social studies. In addition to addressing educator compensation...


Why All the Buzz about Literacy This Year?

Early Childhood Education

May 19th, 2022

Delaware leaders have coalesced around early literacy in recent years, adopting a state plan, enacting legislation, and drawing national speakers to support the momentum. The state’s scores on national reading assessments have been stagnant and remain low, with less than half of third graders reading on grade level—an important...


Delaware Lawmakers Prioritizing Early Care and Education Workforce

Early Childhood Education

May 13th, 2022

In the coming weeks, early childhood workers will be able to access the supplement or “bonus” pay committed in November by Gov. John Carney through American Rescue Plan Act funds. Each early educator will be paid $1,000 upon completing their online profile—which will help the state create its first professional registry, or data...