
Showing 37-39 of 2218 Results


What’s New with Delaware’s Education Funding System?

Funding and Equity

June 24th, 2022

The long march to modernize Delaware’s school funding system continues on, as the state continues to see changes stemming from recent actions by Gov. John Carney’s administration and the General Assembly. One of the major drivers of these changes was the Delawareans for Educational Opportunity v Carney lawsuit settlement from...


Delaware Lawmakers Propose Historic Increases to Purchase of Care Subsidy

Early Childhood Education

June 9th, 2022

Delaware’s Joint Finance Committee has voted to add $20.07 million to Delaware's Purchase of Care program in Fiscal Year 2023—a substantial increase in funding. They added to the governor’s proposed increase—both to increase the rates paid to child care providers by 15 percent, and to include a $1.1 million “door opener” to...


Best Way to Solve a Teacher Shortage? Better Pay and Supports Could Be Considered Under New Bill

Educator Support and Development

June 8th, 2022

Introduced during Teacher Appreciation Week, Senate Bill 100 with Senate Amendment 1 looks to evaluate and review current teacher salaries in Delaware. Sponsored by Sen. Bryan Townsend and supported by a wide array of legislators, the bill proposes the establishment of the Public Education Compensation Committee to review Delaware’s...