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Our Solutions for Personalizing Delaware Schools
Policy and Practice, Student-Centered Learning
October 30th, 2014
This was written on behalf of the Rodel Teacher Council by Tim Brewer, a Science Teacher and Science Chair at St. Georges High School in the New Castle County Vocational Technical School District; and Jennifer Lougheed, an Instructional Coach at the Indian River School District. It was originally published in the "The News Journal" as an...VIEW ARTICLE
October 30, 2014
October 30th, 2014
Local News The News Journal Markell: ‘Won’t hesitate’ on priority schools Yesterday was the Conference on Education, an event hosted by the Vision Coalition of Delaware, a group of education, nonprofit and business leaders seeking to create world-class schools in Delaware. The conference's keynote speaker, author Amanda Ripley followed...VIEW ARTICLE
October 28, 2014
October 28th, 2014
Local News The News Journal How do we strengthen Delaware’s education system? An op-ed by Ernie Dianastasis, Managing Director, Computer Aid, Inc., a global IT firm; the chair of the Vision Coalition of Delaware, a public and private coalition working to improve our schools; and the chair of the Delaware Business Roundtable Education...VIEW ARTICLE