Showing 1558-1560 of 2227 Results
Long Awaited Charter School Bill Introduced in the House
June 4th, 2013
In the fall of last year, Governor Jack Markell and former Representative Terry Schooley created a Charter Work Group to review the current charter school law and recommend changes. Members included charter schools, the business community, DSEA, PTA, school districts and boards, legislators, Delaware Department of Education, and the State Board...VIEW ARTICLE
June 3, 2013
Policy and Practice, Student-Centered Learning
June 4th, 2013
Local News The News Journal Bill would toughen charter schools’ oversight, allow access to state funding A bill that would toughen oversight of charter schools would also award more money to charters with proven track records and allow them to access capital funding from the state. Colonial School District has much riding on $9.6 million tax...VIEW ARTICLE
May 31, 2013
Early Childhood Education, Policy and Practice, Student-Centered Learning
May 31st, 2013
Local News The Cape Gazette Cape area residents take aim at Common Core A national program to align public school education across the country is under fire by a group opposed to the latest federal initiative. Locally, the group has set its sights on Cape Henlopen school district. "My hope is that we can defund this thing," said Karen Gritton of...VIEW ARTICLE