
Showing 1858-2222 of 2222 Results


Lessons From Abroad: Connecting international best practices to Delaware

Policy and Practice

April 17th, 2012

I just got back from a trip to Europe last week, my first time overseas. And while I won’t bore you with the details (except one below), reading this article published by The Atlantic highlights something that hit home for me during my trip. In our current education reform debate, we shouldn’t hesitate to look locally and globally to find...


Introducing Matthew Korobkin, Senior Program Officer


April 11th, 2012

Greetings!   My name is Matthew Korobkin and I have recently joined the Rodel Foundation as a Program Officer.  I am excited to work on behalf of Delaware’s most important citizens—its children—and its greatest asset—public education.  Now is an extraordinary time to be in Delaware.  With support from Vision 2015, Race to the Top...


Heeding Connecticut


April 9th, 2012

All too often, poverty is cited as the reason why so many of Delaware’s highest-need students show poor performance in the classroom.  Poverty can be a factor, clearly. Yet, to use poverty as an excuse that lets all of us—educators, parents, public officials, business and community leaders—off the hook is unproductive and poorly...