Showing 1873-2227 of 2227 Results
Announcing iEducate Delaware
March 19th, 2012
This blog post was written by Sara Brosious, winner of our "Name the Campaign," an initiative to seek public input to name our recognition campaign. Hi, I’m Sara: mom, teacher, wife, and creator of the name of Rodel Foundation of Delaware’s recognition program iEducate Delaware™. Teaching and learning have always been a core element...VIEW ARTICLE
What Delaware’s Mid-year Race to the Top Evaluation Tells Us
March 16th, 2012
This week, the Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) released a mid-year “progress report” on Race to the Top reforms. The report includes statewide DCAS data, as well as highlights from the mid-year performance evaluations of the students in twelve districts (districts participated or not based on the size of their grant and/or their past...VIEW ARTICLE
Be the Change: A Perspective on Newark Charter School by a Local Resident
March 13th, 2012
I live in the center of it all – and by center I mean smack dab in the middle of Newark Charter School’s five-mile radius. With such an incredible school so close by, it is no wonder that at some point nearly every family on my street has rolled the dice and entered Newark Charter’s lottery. Unfortunately, not everyone has been lucky...VIEW ARTICLE