Showing 1948-2227 of 2227 Results
Partnership Zone School (Round 2) Profile: Bancroft Elementary School
September 6th, 2011
On September 1st, 2011, Secretary Lowery and the Department of Education announced the 6 schools chosen to participate in round 2 of the statewide Partnership Zone Initiative (for more information about the Partnership Zone, see our previous blogs). This blog is the first of a six part series detailing these six schools. Bancroft is...VIEW ARTICLE
The Promise of District Race to the Top Plans
August 31st, 2011
Earlier this summer we set about the business of reading Race to the Top plans for all the state’s 19 districts. Over the next few years in Delaware, roughly $50 million dollars—about 40 percent of Race to the Top funds—will be distributed through the plans, so this is a big deal. We’ve been offering detailed commentary on specific...VIEW ARTICLE
Quality Funding for Quality Schools
August 31st, 2011
Yesterday I visited Elbert-Palmer Elementary School for the first time. It’s a classic-looking school that rises up from an entire city block in a residential area. Most beautiful to me were the faces of the students that greeted me and every other guest as we arrived. It was their first day of school, so they must have been asked to play the...VIEW ARTICLE