Showing 2035-2227 of 2227 Results
Oh No, It’s Spring Break!
April 20th, 2011
Yesterday, my 14-year old daughter Elizabeth asked me what we were going “to do” for Spring Break. This is an excellent question – what are we going to do for Spring Break exactly…beginning in a mere two days? While I’m sure she is dreaming of amazing rides in Disney World or dipping her toes into the warm tropical waters of the...VIEW ARTICLE
Illinois Takes Giant Leap Forward
April 19th, 2011
The Illinois Senate unanimously passed sweeping legislation that would use teacher performance as the primary metric in decisions impacting teachers – with the support of all stakeholders, including teachers’ unions and school management groups. The legislation is a friendly reminder that Delaware has come a long way in our teacher...VIEW ARTICLE
Happy Teacher Day
April 18th, 2011
Did you know that May 3 is National Teacher Day? A national day to celebrate classroom heroes was the brainchild of Arkansas teacher Mattye Whyte Woodridge. Mrs. Woodridge wrote a letter to Eleanor Roosevelt, urging the First Lady to persuade her husband to proclaim a special day to honor teachers. In 1953, the U.S. Congress proclaimed the very...VIEW ARTICLE