Showing 2155-2227 of 2227 Results
Learning-Focused Strategies Expanding Within Delaware
August 27th, 2010
As students, parents, and communities return from summer vacation, they will arrive amidst a flurry of excitement as Delaware begins implementing numerous reforms through Race to the Top and School Improvement Grants. One aspect that school stakeholders will begin seeing is the influx of nationally recognized organizations with various...VIEW ARTICLE
College and Career Readiness gets top billing at ECS
August 26th, 2010
If last week’s Education Commission for the States national forum had a running theme, it was the K-12 to higher education connection. Almost every panel included a conversation about either “college and career ready” students, or about how higher education can/should support the current round of K-12 education...VIEW ARTICLE
A New Foundation
August 25th, 2010
With the announcement of the second round Race to the Top winners, we now have a solid foundation for systemic education reform. Twenty years ago, charters were born and comprehensive school reform models like Success For All and Expeditionary Learning broke the mold. In the last decade, big cities like New York and Chicago took up the mantle...VIEW ARTICLE