Showing 2158-2222 of 2222 Results
A $500,000 One-time Opportunity for Early Childhood Education
August 13th, 2010
New momentum is building for Delaware’s youngest students. The new Early Development and Learning Resources Work Group in the Department of Education demonstrates a commitment from the Secretary to focus attention on this population, which was formerly grouped with special needs students. Another exciting development is that the state...VIEW ARTICLE
Not Just One Student in One Cell
August 12th, 2010
Across the country when school accountability ratings are released, we hear the cry that schools are in Academic Review or Under Improvement because of one student, or one group of students, missing their performance targets. For the vast majority of Delaware schools, this is just not the case. To understand why, first we need to...VIEW ARTICLE
Delaware Educator Compensation – Looking Towards the Future
August 10th, 2010
Delaware laid the initial groundwork through Race to the Top for the design and implementation of a statewide performance pay program that attracts, supports, rewards, and retains educators that make positive impacts on student achievement. Below is an explanation of the framework established and possibilities to expand its impact. Student...VIEW ARTICLE