April 17, 2014
Local News
Early education commission sets lofty goals
(Including a video)
Two dozen business leaders from up and down the state in the public and non-profit sectors make up the Commission on Early Education and the Economy. Nick Marsini, President of PNC Bank Delaware and co-chair of the commission explains why this isn't happening more...
April 16, 2014
Local News
The News Journal
State to decide on charter school applications
The fate of nine charter schools will be decided at Thursday's state Board of Education meeting. State education officials will decide whether to approve five new charters, whether to put three already-approved schools under review for financial issues and whether to allow...
April 15, 2014
Local News
Governor Markell seeks business support for Common Core and college readiness efforts
Gov. Jack Markell (D-Delaware) called on local business leaders Monday to do their part in helping Delaware students become career and college ready. Markell joined the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation in hosting a conference on effective...
April 14, 2014
Local News
Huffington Post
Why Race to the Top worked
An opinion by Governor Jack Markell
In spring 2010, Delaware was one of two states to win the first of Race to the Top's four-year grants, making this month's anniversary an appropriate time to ask whether the multi-billion dollar project has been worth the taxpayers' money. The results show...