Partnership Zone Spending: The Good, The Curious, and The Cautiously Optimistic
Partnership Zone schools are moving forward with their approved plans (Howard, Stubbs, Glasgow, and Positive Outcomes) for spending approximately $1.5 million to turn their schools around. In analyzing three budgets (Howard’s plan does not include one), there are certain areas that make me cautiously optimistic, areas that make me slightly...
After much anticipation, the changes outlined in Race to the Top are becoming concrete as the DOE awards contracts to various organizations – representing an unprecedented opportunity for all interested to get involved in education reform throughout Delaware.
The Delaware Department of Education recently awarded the Data Coach contract...
Delaware: Stuck in the Middle of the Pack
Delaware students scored in the middle of the pack compared to their peers in other states on the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) science exams, according to results released last week.
According to the results, 34 and 25 percent of fourth and eighth grade students demonstrated proficient or advanced skills on the exam...
How Would You Spend $1.5 Million?
Two weeks ago, Secretary Lowery approved all four Partnership Zone schools’ plans, which outlined their strategies to turnaround their persistently low-performing campuses.
In their plans (found here: Howard, Stubbs, Glasgow, and Positive Outcomes), each school specified how they would utilize $1.5 million ($750,000/year) to make...