

On Moyer Academy Recent Developments

June 28th, 2010

Author: Madeleine Bayard

Epilogue language in the budget indicates that DOE will “directly manage a school to be operated at the location currently served by the Maurice J. Moyer Academy” through June 30, 2012. The state will “contract with K-12 Classroom DE, LLC to operate the school from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011.” At that point, an RFP...

The Politics of School Busing

June 28th, 2010

Author: Madeleine Bayard

It’s hard to imagine how complex the politics and policies are for something as simple as getting kids to school. The Governor’s proposal to reform transportation funding, in part by cost requiring districts to cover 25 percent of the cost, was not met with much receptivity, and the Joint Finance Committee ultimately reversed the...

SB 261 On the Establishment of a Parents Bill of Rights

June 24th, 2010

Author: Steve Fox

Last month, Delaware Senate Bill #261 was introduced by Senator Dave Sokola and co-sponsored by Representative Terry Schooley. It has since been passed in the senate and will soon be voted on in the house. This bill would require that schools seek signatures from each parent at the beginning of each school year on a parent/school to be prepared by...

Seaford High School Strives To Reinvent Itself

June 21st, 2010


Lately, there’s been a lot of buzz around college and career readiness which means that the focus has shifted from merely improving high school graduation rate to ensuring that students are prepared for college or a career upon matriculation. This can be achieved only when students are taught to develop their analytical and critical thinking...