

School Board Elections Matter

May 4th, 2010

Author: Michael Rasmussen

Thirteen Delaware school districts will hold elections for at least one seat on their school boards next week.  As Delaware implements its Race to the Top commitments, school districts and their boards will be integrally involved in making sure the districts’ share of those funds, $50+ Million, get spent wisely.  Wisely is the...

Early Childhood Funding Study Released – Understanding this $342+M investment

April 14th, 2010

Author: Madeleine Bayard

The Finance Project has mapped and analyzed the financial resources that the state of Delaware devotes to early childhood services in a recent report --$328M in federal and state funds (about four percent of the state budget), and at least $14M from private funders in 2009. Some encouraging findings: Delaware has drawn down all federal funds for...

Excited…And Humbled

April 9th, 2010

Author: Paul Herdman

We are excited and humbled that Delaware was selected in the first round of Race to the Top, but now the hard work begins.  Some national observers have been engaging in a debate about the tradeoff between buy-in and boldness. We understand the potential concern that broad buy-in will automatically translate into watered-down...

Money, Money, Money

March 18th, 2010

Author: Sarah Grunewald

Most of the federal funding talk over the last few months has focused on Race to the Top, but there are some other significant federal funding opportunities that have the potential to help Delaware’s schools. First off is the School Improvement Grant (SIG) funding that will begin flowing to our state in the next month or so. The federal...