May 10, 2013

May 10th, 2013

Category: Early Childhood Education, News, Policy and Practice

Local News

The News Journal
Appoquinimink voters approve $2.8 million operating referendum
Appoquinimink voters tonight approved a $2.8 million operating referendum. The vote was 4,637 for and 3,023 against the plan, based on unofficial results. “I’m happy; I’m relieved; and the real winners are our kids,” Superintendent Matthew Burrows said in a statement.

Coastal Point
John M. Clayton Elementary recognized with two awards
Lt. Gov. Matt Denn and John Hulse from the Delaware Department of Education were at John M. Clayton Elementary School near Frankford this week, celebrating with the school their National Distinguished Title I Award and their state Recognition School award.This year, because of the state’s federal Race to the Top funding and the U.S. Department of Education’s approval of a new state school accountability system for Delaware, the Delaware Department of Education was able to expand the number of schools recognized from five to 19, in four categories.

Delaware charters celebrate National Charter Schools Week
Hundreds of charter school officials, parents and students gathered on Legislative Mall Thursday to celebrate National Charter Schools Week.  Representatives of eight of the state’s 22 charter schools were on hand in Dover to engage with state legislators and the community about the role charters play in the state.

TLEU’s “The Set” Monthly Data Briefs
Each month the Delaware Department of Education’s Teacher & Leader Effectiveness Unit releases a one-page data brief presenting relevant, timely, and/or interesting data points about the districts, leaders, teachers, and students in our schools. The April Set poses the question “Do Delaware educators feel their schools are “Good Places to Work and Learn?”  This month’s set draws upon the recently released TELL Delaware Survey (and other data sources). You can view it here: Links to all four “sets” provided in 2013 can be found at this link:

National News

New York Times
In California, push for college diversity starts earlier  
If the Supreme Court justices decide to curtail or abolish the use of race and ethnicity in college admissions nationwide, then the experience in California and other states that have outlawed affirmative action could point to new ways for public universities to try to compose a diverse student body. Those states have tried new approaches to giving applicants a leg up for overcoming disadvantages.

Raleigh News and Observer
NC Senate passes bill creating separate state board for charter schools  
The North Carolina Senate passed S.B 337, which creates a separate regulatory board for charter schools that would be responsible for handing out new charters and shutting down inadequate schools. The bill abolishes a state board of education committee that recommends actions on charter applications and otherwise reduces the state board’s authority with respect to charter schools.

Athens Banner-Herald
Gov. Deal signs teacher evaluations bill  
Gov. Nathan Deal has signed H.B. 244, which standardizes annual evaluations for Georgia teachers and principals based, in part, on student performance. The evaluation system is based on a pilot program launched with Race to the Top funds. Teacher evaluations will be based 50% on student growth and achievement and 50% on other factors, including classroom observations and student surveys.

New Orleans Times-Picayune
Jindal pre-K education overhaul approved by Louisiana House panel  
The Louisiana House Education Committee passed legislation backed by Gov. Bobby Jindal to enforce new accountability standards for early childhood education programs. Senate Bill 130 would create the network authorized by Act 3, a law passed last year to consolidate all pre-kindergarten and day-care programs into one network and give them letter grades.

Education Week
Diversity at issue as states weigh teacher entry  
As more states eye policies to select academically stronger individuals for their teaching programs, concerns are surfacing about their potential consequences—particularly whether they will result in a K-12 workforce with fewer black and Latino teachers. On nearly all the measures states are considering, from GPAs to licensure-test scores, minority candidates tend to have weaker scores than their white counterparts.

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Rodel Foundation of Delaware



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