
Showing 115-117 of 2227 Results


We Shouldn’t Depend on Market Rate Studies to Fund Early Learning

Early Childhood Education

March 15th, 2021

The child care industry across the nation is in dire peril. In Delaware, the situation is just as grim. Advocates are rallying around the state’s budgetary process in hopes of increasing state investments to save struggling providers. Even before COVID-19—which caused havoc by raising costs while lowering enrollment—early child care...


Not Counting on the Count: Why Student Count is Trickier Than You Think

Funding and Equity, Policy and Practice

March 15th, 2021

Updated on March 15, 2021 School funding across the United States is determined by a series of complex, interrelated policy decisions. There has been a lot of discussion in Delaware lately about how to best allocate state dollars to schools, but little written about a seemingly small but important piece of the puzzle: how we count students...


The School Registration Bill is Here

News, Policy and Practice

March 10th, 2021

Back in January, we wrote about Delaware’s frustrating school registration process. It’s an all-over-the-place approach that involves a ton of paperwork and offers little help to non-English-speaking families. But help could soon be on the way. SB 82 was introduced this week by Sen. Elizabeth Lockman, and aims to rewrite Delaware code...