Showing 118-120 of 2227 Results
Meet Sarah Stowens
March 3rd, 2021
Hello! My name is Sarah Stowens. Supporting my children’s education this year via Zoom has shone a bright light on challenges in public education and therefore offered opportunities for growth—opportunities that Rodel is uniquely positioned to impact. It’s why I’m so thrilled to be joining the Rodel team as a program officer. My...VIEW ARTICLE
Q&A with Delaware Teacher of the Year Kimberly Stock
March 3rd, 2021
From a virtual celebration at a socially distanced watch party at McKean High School, Kimberly Stock was named the 2021 Delaware Teacher of the Year last fall. Stock, an English learner teacher, also teaches AP Literature and Composition and eleventh grade English language arts—all while managing the language acquisition plans for more...VIEW ARTICLE
Nominate a Local Hero for Black Voices for Black Justice Fund
February 25th, 2021
Inspired by Black History Month and our unwavering desire to address structural and systemic racism in Delaware and beyond, the Delaware Community Foundation and Rodel are proud to sponsor the Black Voices for Black Justice Fund. This initiative aims to highlight black voices in our community. Through nominations, the program provides...VIEW ARTICLE