Showing 1588-1590 of 2227 Results
May 3, 2013
May 3rd, 2013
Local News The News Journal Delaware schools, students are making good progress A letter to the editor by Paul Herdman and Ernie Dianastasis In response to Dr. John Stapleford’s recent opinion, which asserts that most in the state are dissatisfied with our school system, we respectfully disagree. Enrollment is growing and many of our public...VIEW ARTICLE
May 2, 2013
May 2nd, 2013
Local News The News Journal A closer look at Pencader Charter vs. Christina School District An opinion by Barbara Finnan, a former public school teacher We all know there’s a “Delaware Way” in getting things done in this state, but, really, why are our politicians, movers and shakers, taking things to a ridiculous extreme on the issue of...VIEW ARTICLE
May 1, 2013
May 1st, 2013
Local News The News Journal Georgetown school using bonds to finance campus swap The Sussex Academy of Arts and Sciences is one step closer to swapping buildings with Delmarva Christian High School thanks to $6.6 million in bonds brokered by the state. The two Georgetown schools are planning the exchange at the start of next school year because...VIEW ARTICLE