

Meet Kim Lopez

June 10th, 2021

Author: Kim Lopez

Hello! My name is Kim Lopez and I am a program manager at Rodel. I am excited to join the team and use my experiences to impact education in meaningful ways. As the first in my family to go to college, I can’t say that I knew I would end up working in education, but I knew that I wanted to do work that allowed me to make our community...

Next Steps for Federal Stimulus Dollars and Delaware Schools

May 12th, 2021

Author: Kelsey Mensch

Back in March, we wrote about how the federal stimulus dollars, specifically those provided through the American Rescue Plan Act, would impact Delaware’s schools. Since then, there have been updates at both the state and federal level regarding required plans and timing of allocations. The federal government has provided three...

“Science of Reading” Early Literacy Gains Steam in Legislature

May 11th, 2021

Author: Kelsey Mensch

The science of reading, or the body of science-backed research that explains how the human mind acquires reading skills, continues to reverberate in Dover and beyond. We covered the topic in March, when the Senate Education Committee hosted a panel of experts who discussed why the science of reading is important for classrooms...