

An Opportunity Too Big To Miss

August 31st, 2009

Author: Sarah Grunewald

In a recent letter, the National Education Association (NEA) expressed concerns about major components of President Obama’s $4.35 billion Race to the Top (RTTT) grant competition. The union thinks the size of the program will inhibit effectiveness, opposes basing teacher evaluations in part on student performance, opposes expanding...

Seventy Percent of Delaware High Schools Under Improvement

August 21st, 2009

Author: Michael Rasmussen

Amidst all the test scores and data indicators, there is a startling truth: if you’re a Delaware high school student, your school is probably underperforming—and not just for a few students. Many will blame NCLB and the state system for classifying schools as “under improvement” because one student did not perform on a...

Race to the Top Funds Far From Secure

July 20th, 2009

Author: Paul Herdman

When the Delaware General Assemble passed a resolution in support of “Race to the Top” funding from the federal government, it recognized the historic funding opportunity available to states and encouraged our Governor and Secretary of Education to create a competitive application for a share of the $4.35 billion federal fund. US DOE...

2009 Legislative Recap

July 10th, 2009

Author: Paul Herdman

In a final push before the summer recess, several pieces of the Markell-Denn education reform agenda were passed by the General Assembly, notably bills addressing school performance awards, Delaware’s student assessment system, and financial oversight and transparency for districts. With the passage of these bills, policymakers are...