

Delaware Can Learn a lot from Teach For America

May 29th, 2009

Author: John Carwell

Teach For America (TFA) recently selected Delaware as an expansion site and has a 20-year history of recruiting outstanding individuals into teaching and effectively training them to raise the achievement of the most needy students in the nation.   Just as the world’s best-performing school systems have learned, TFA knows that...

The Vision Network expands to 28 schools, 20,000 students

May 14th, 2009

Author: Sarah Grunewald

Yesterday, Vision 2015 announced that seven more schools are joining the Vision Network. These schools—one elementary, three middle, and three high schools—join 21 others that are implementing the principles of Vision 2015 in their classrooms. I had the pleasure of attending a reception last night that celebrated the accomplishments of...

Delaware early childhood education lags neighbors

April 23rd, 2009

Author: Madeleine Bayard

The National Institute for Early Education Research just put out their annual ranking of state early childhood programs. See the full report here, some Delaware highlights below, and the full Delaware summary here. Delaware ranks 30th of all states in terms of the percentage (7.3%) of 4-year-olds served by state pre-school (ECAP). Our neighboring...

Tough Choices and A Great Opportunity

April 15th, 2009

Author: Paul Herdman

Delaware, like most states, is abuzz with talk about what the education stimulus package will mean for us.  This is shaping up to be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our schools, and we must make sure these resources are used to their full potential.  There is a lot of money in the federal stimulus fund that will go directly to...