August 5, 2013

August 5th, 2013

Category: News, Policy and Practice

Local News

The News Journal
National science standards considered for Delaware teachers
As Delaware teachers bring their reading and math teaching in line with national standards, Delaware is headed toward adopting a similar program for science courses.
But the standards could again raise debate over teaching evolution and climate change in schools, and some parents are worried they could be losing control over what their kids are learning.
The Next Generation Science Standards are designed to make science classes more rigorous and to bridge a sometimes wide divide in what is taught in different states, proponents say.
“These are standards that are going to make your child competitive in a global society,” said Tonyea Mead, science associate at the Department of Education.

National News

The Washington Post
High marks for standardized tests
The chief problem with U.S. schools apparently isn’t high dropout rates or under qualified teachers but standardized testing. This is the only conclusion that can be drawn from the push by parents and teachers in Buffalo, Philadelphia, Seattle and elsewhere to help students opt out of taking standardized tests. Members of this burgeoning anti-test movement fail to grasp testing’s valuable role in motivating and guiding students and teachers. Preparing young Americans for success in the global economy will require our schools to improve, not abolish, academic standards.

Columbus Dispatch
Ohio legislators try to repeal Common Core school standards
Lawmakers introduced a last-minute bill, H.B. 237, which would repeal Ohio’s adoption of Common Core standards, prohibit the state board from using assessments based on the standards, and outlaw any state entity that deals with education from collecting data on students except for limited administrative purposes. In 2010, Ohio was among the first states to adopt Common Core.

Chronicle of Higher Education
Report warns against tying student aid to measures like graduation rates
Awarding student financial aid to colleges based on outcome measures, like graduation rates, could harm low-income students and the colleges that serve them, according to an Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance analysis. The report found that colleges with more Pell recipients and fewer resources tend to have lower graduation rates, with low test scores amplifying the effect.

Miami Herald
Amid school grading controversy, Florida education chief Tony Bennett resigns
Tony Bennett resigned as Florida education commissioner following two days of controversy over school grades in his home state of Indiana. His resignation could be a setback for Gov. Rick Scott and state education leaders, who are working to overhaul Florida’s system of school accountability and assessment in compliance with the Common Core standards.

The New York Times
Results of new testing standards could complicate Bloomberg’s final months
Michael R. Bloomberg has staked much of his reputation as the mayor of New York City on improving students’ test scores, and has trumpeted gains in math and reading as validation of his 12-year effort to remake the city’s schools. But the mayor’s telling of history is poised to receive one of its most vigorous challenges yet on Wednesday, when New York State is expected to report drastic drops in student performance across the state because of a new set of tougher exams.

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