July 9, 2013

July 9th, 2013

Category: News, Policy and Practice

Local News

University of Delaware tuition rising, Del. State holds rates
Delaware’s two largest universities have released tuition rates for the upcoming 2013-2014 academic year. One year of tuition and fees at the University of Delaware will cost undergraduate students $12,112, approximately three percent higher than last year’s $11,682. This is the lowest tuition percentage increase in the past 10 years, according to the university.

National News

The Washington Post
Why it’s time for a reset of education reform
An opinion by Jeff Bryant
The end of another school year is leaving a bad taste in many people’s mouths. A steady diet of government austerity and top-down “accountability” mandates have left numerous communities across the country with a severe case of sour stomachs over how their schools are being governed. As the school year closed in Michigan, hundreds of protestors gathered at the state capital in Lansing to protest state school budgets and policies that have left classrooms overcrowded and eliminated art, music, and other educational programs in schools.

Education Week
Teach For America sparks debate in Minnesota
Things aren’t looking too promising in the Twin Cities for Teach for America. In May, Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton vetoed a $1.5 million grant to Teach for America, saying that the organization has $350 million in assets and does not need the state’s help, according to the Star Tribune. The grant would have added 25 new TFA corps members to the 72 currently working in the Twin Cities area. Three weeks after the veto, the paper reported, TFA suffered another blow when the Minnesota Board of Teaching voted to rebuff a group license variance, leaving it up to individual districts to apply for alternative teaching licenses for TFA corps members.

Wisconsin State Journal
Scott Walker: Future voucher expansion should be based on student performance
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker said future expansion of a new statewide voucher program should be based on whether voucher students perform as well as or better than they did in public school. Walker said that if legislators don’t introduce a bill this fall bringing private voucher schools under the state report card system, he will propose his own. The Senate could consider a bill later this month.

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Rodel Foundation of Delaware
